Hair transplant techniques can be broadly classified as hair implantation, FUE, and FUT. Nowadays, Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is the most popular and successful hair transplantation procedure. Hair transplant has come a long way since its existence in the market for legitimate benefits.

This procedure is different than traditional hair transplantation procedures and it is one of the most popular procedures of today. The FOLLICULAR UNIT EXTRACTION is an effective procedure because transplanted hair can be fully re-grown and the bald patch or receding hairline will completely disappear.

Hair loss has affected a large population in India and around the world. The hair transplantation procedure is ambiguous and natural results that no one can distinguish, other than your fuller hair.

Why is FUE popular and preferred?

  • Natural & Permanent
  • Minimally Invasive
  • No Visible Scar
  • No Stitches
  • Eliminate male hair baldness and female hair loss
  • Less downtime for recovery post-surgery

FUE is a minimally invasive procedure using grafts containing hair follicles resistant to balding. Transplantation procedures are performed outpatient, with mild sedation with local anesthesia. The individual follicular grafts containing 1 to 4 hair are removed under local anesthesia. The surgeon then uses fine instruments to prepare the sites for receiving the grafts, placing them in a predetermined density and pattern and consistently angling the area to promote a realistic hair pattern. At MDW Centre, the grafts are placed very close to each other to get a denser look.

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